The Importance of English

S uccess in your career is a matter of vital importance to your personality, and to those interested in, and dependent upon you. It is after all, something we all strive for and in your fight for sucess, what better help can you have than a good command of English. It can improve your chances or promotion or increase your earning power, and enhance your social life. It can, in short, have an enornous effect on both your happiness and your prosperity.
Just how true this is you can judge for yourself. For when you look around you, you will see that those who are successful in their careers, nearly always have a good command of English. This should not surprise you, because English is the most commonly used language in Business, Commerece, Administration, and Government.

English is, in fact, the most widely used language in the world. It is the mother tongue for more than 400 million people. It is the main commercial langaguage for no fewer than 1.300 million people, wth further 100 milllion or so coming into regular contact with it. Everyday of the week millions and millions of people, right around the world are using English, at work and their social lives.

English is the first language of the United Nations and of many other international organisastions. It is also the international language of the sea and of the airlines. When Head of Government meet, English is the language most often used. When people of different nationalities meet, English is often the only common link between them.

Nah begitu pentingnya bahasa Inggris di masa sekarang ini, marilah kita berlomba lomba untuk dapat menguasainya untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

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